Celluma Therapy

We offer a com­pli­men­ta­ry ses­sion with every GG Glam treat­ment! Expe­ri­ence LED Light
Ther­a­py and dis­cov­er what it can do for you.

At GG Glam Stu­dio, we offer com­pli­men­ta­ry Cel­luma Ther­a­py with every treatment.
We also offer Cel­luma ses­sions sep­a­rate­ly for those look­ing to con­tin­ue LED Light Ther­a­py for more exten­sive issues.

Low-lev­el-light ther­a­py or pho­to­bio­mod­u­la­tion is based on Light Emit­ting Diode (LED)
tech­nol­o­gy and is the appli­ca­tion of light ener­gy to the body for ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits. It
pro­motæ a nat­ur­al pho­to bio­chem­i­cal reac­tion sim­i­lar to the process of plant photosynthesis.
The ener­gy deliv­ered by the LEDs has been shown to enhance cel­lu­lar metab­o­lism, accelerate
the repair and replen­ish­ment of dam­aged skin cells, as well as stim­u­late the pro­duc­tion of
col­la­gen — the foun­da­tion of healthy, skin. Research has shown that LED light therapy
may help smooth skin tex­ture, improve skin firm­ness and resilience, increase the lym­phat­ic sys­tem activ­i­ty, restore skin’s nat­ur­al cel­lu­lar activ­i­ty, and reduce the appear­ance of fine lines, wrin­kles, and super­fi­cial hyper­pig­men­ta­tion. The treat­ment is for all skin types, and is non-abla­tive, non- inva­sive, pain­less, and requiræ absolute­ly no down­time. Patients or clients can return to their nor­mal activ­i­ty imme­di­ate­ly after the treatment.

Based on exten­sive r$earch, low-lev­el-light ther­a­py devices have been cleared by the FDA,
and shown to manage:

Mild to mod­er­ate acne vulgaris
Super­fi­cial, benign vas­cu­lar, and pig­ment lesions
Peri­or­bital wrin­kles and rhytides
Sub-opti­mal local blood flow and circulation
Minor mus­cle and joint aches
Minor mus­cle and joint pain
pain and stiff­ness With arthritis
Minor arthri­tis or mus­cle spasms
Minor chron­ic nazk and shoul­der pain of a mus­cu­loskele­tal origin

Let’s Connect!

If you need more information, we invite you to contact us at GG Glam Studio


Ph: (562)756‑1652