
Founder of GG Glam Studio,

Korrine Gilyanna

I am so excited to welcome you to GG Glam Studio!

I have strug­gled with stretch marks for my entire life. It has even affect­ed the most pre­cious moments, like my wed­ding day. I had extra fab­ric put in my dress because I was so inse­cure about those marks show­ing through. I have tried every­thing from laser to micro-needling to creams.

After a decade of research, I found new tech­niques to treat skin tone and tex­ture. These tech­niques are unlike any­thing I have seen before for treat­ing scars and stretch marks. Need­less to say, after 15 years I decid­ed to change my career and become cer­ti­fied so I can share these tech­niques with you!

GG Glam Stu­dio is the result of my obses­sion with skin per­fec­tion. With my atten­tion to detail and the knowl­edge of my own per­son­al jour­ney, I want to offer my clients what I have been seek­ing for many years. I believe that my atten­tion to detail and ded­i­ca­tion to pro­vid­ing the best cus­tomer ser­vice will show in my work.

I will con­tin­ue to edu­cate myself in this indus­try and I encour­age any­one inter­est­ed in the treat­ments I offer to con­tact me with any ques­tions and make your beau­ty appoint­ment immediately.

Yours tru­ly,

Kor­rine Gilyanna


Licensed and Insured
Brazil­ian Cam­ou­flage Spe­cial­ist
Lumi­ness Ink­less Cer­tifi­cate
Scar Light­en­ing Spe­cial­ist
Hyaluron Pen Cer­ti­fied
Blood Born Pathogen Certified

Let’s Connect!

If you need more information, we invite you to contact us at GG Glam Studio

[email protected]

Ph: (562)756‑1652