Procell Therapy

Reduce the signs of aging via stim­u­la­tion of your Stem Cells, and the intro­duc­tion of potent pep­tides, growth fac­tors and Stem Cytokines. Pro­cell can improve acne, acne scars, hair loss, fine lines and wrin­kles, scar­ring and much more Pro­cell improves the appear­ance of aging skin, increas­es the vital­i­ty of your skin, and reduces the appear­ance of fine lines, wrin­kles, uneven skin tone, acne scar­ring. It also improves the clin­i­cal health Of your skin by stim­u­lat­ing a reju­ve­na­tion cas­cade that your body has built in, just wait­ing to be acti­vat­ed! Pro­cell turns it on!

This treat­ment induces new col­la­gen and reduces the signs of aging via
stim­u­la­tion of your Stem Cells, and the intro­duc­tion of potent pep­tides, growth fac­tors and Stem Cytokines.

Pro­cell cre­ates invis­i­ble micro-chan­nels and stim­u­lates spe­cial­ized Stem Cells
in your skin, and in your immune sys­tem to pro­duce pro­teins called cytokines, pep­tides and growth fac­tors that help reju­ve­nate the struc­ture of your skin.

MicroChan­nel­ing also induces the rapid pro­duc­tion Of high qual­i­ty new
col­la­gen via stim­u­la­tion, rather than the Old meth­ods that mere­ly dam­aged the

Procell Therapies can be used for many different issues, including:

Acne Scar­ring

Hair Loss

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Stretch Marks

Sur­gi­cal Scarring



You may notice an improve­ment in the qual­i­ty and appear­ance of your skin with­in the first 24 hours. After 2–3 treat­ments skin thick­en­ing and improve­ment of the cel­lu­lar matrix will pro­duce more con­sis­tent and notice­able improve­ment. And 6 or more treat­ments may be rec­om­mend­ed for lax­i­ty and wrin­kles. For hair regrowth, some reac­ti­va­tion typ­i­cal­ly appears with­in the first two weeks, with notice­able improve­ment after about 5 weeks.


Let’s Connect!

If you need more information, we invite you to contact us at GG Glam Studio

[email protected]

Ph: (562)756‑1652