You must plan ahead and make sure you can sched­ule your touch-up appoint­ment with­in the nec­es­sary 60–90 day time frame from the ini­tial pro­ce­dure if need­ed. This is all based on an individual’s skin.

You must also con­sid­er your heal­ing time and make sure that you will not be in the sun for 60 days, and will not have any­thing phys­i­cal­ly active planned for 2 weeks.

Although this is a very suc­cess­ful pro­ce­dure, there are times that your skin might not accept it, and you may need a touchup after 60 days. Every­one heals at a dif­fer­ent rate, some may take up to 120 days.

There is also a chance of hyper­pig­men­ta­tion, and Keloids if you are prone to it.
We are tat­too­ing over dam­aged skin, so please be aware that swelling, red­ness, and change in skin col­or dur­ing the heal­ing time are very pos­si­ble, but it is all normal!

Cam­ou­flag­ing your stretch marks and scars can be quite sen­si­tive as we are tat­too­ing over scar tis­sue, dam­aged skin. You may swell or bruise, so please make sure you don’t have any­thing super impor­tant to do with­in 3–5 days of your visit.

Also, do not touch the area. Keep it clean with nat­ur­al soaps and Aquaphor heal­ing oint­ment, so that you pre­vent any infec­tions. This is gen­er­al­ly very rare but it is very impor­tant to keep the area clean and not han­dle it unless you are apply­ing the oint­ment that is giv­en to you by GG Glam Stu­dio. Before address­ing the area, make sure your hands are clean.

Plas­tic surgery and oth­er pro­ce­dures per­formed on stretch marks can alter and/or change the col­or of the cam­ou­flage pro­ce­dure. This pro­ce­dure is not always 100% guaranteed!

Please call GG Glam Stu­dio if you have had a pre­vi­ous cam­ou­flage treat­ment, pri­or to book­ing your appoint­ment and leav­ing a deposit. Fail­ure to let us know of a pre­vi­ous tat­too will result in you los­ing your deposit & appointment.

Please come alone unless you need some­one to dri­ve you. All accom­pa­ny­ing guests must wait in the wait­ing area.

Please do not take ibupro­fen, vit­a­min D, drink alco­hol, or have too much caf­feine, or any­thing that will thin your blood so that the ink can pen­e­trate into the skin for a last­ing result.

Steps to book­ing your Brazil­ian Stretch Mark and Cam­ou­flage Pro­ce­dure here at GG Glam Studio:

Step 1
Send Pho­tos
Text (562)756‑1652
Email [email protected]

Step 2
Vir­tu­al Con­sul­ta­tion, Treat­ment Advice & Costs Given

Step 3
Book an Appointment/ Pay Non-Refund­able Deposit

Step 4
Dis­cuss Pre-Pro­ce­dure Instruc­tions 24 hours pri­or to appointment.

Step 5
Appoint­ment Day!

Step 6
The MOST IMPORTANT: Col­or Matching


You must plan ahead and make sure you can sched­ule your touch-up appoint­ment with­in the nec­es­sary time span of 60 days from the ini­tial pro­ce­dure if need­ed, this is all based on an indi­vid­u­al’s skin. Most clients need a 2nd session.

You must also con­sid­er your heal­ing time and make sure that you will not be in the sun for 60 days.
Although this is a very suc­cess­ful pro­ce­dure, there are times that your skin might not take, and you may need a touch-up after 60 days. Every­one heals at a dif­fer­ent rate.

We are tat­too­ing over dam­aged skin, so please be aware that swelling, red­ness, and change in skin col­or dur­ing the heal­ing time is very pos­si­ble, you can bruise, but all that is normal!

Cam­ou­flag­ing your dark cir­cles can be quite sen­si­tive as we are tat­too­ing under your eyes. You may swell or bruise, so please make sure you don’t have any­thing super impor­tant to do with­in 3–5 days of your visit.

Also, do not touch the area. Keep it clean with nat­ur­al soaps and Aquaphor heal­ing oint­ment, so that you pre­vent any infec­tions. This is gen­er­al­ly very rare but it is very impor­tant to keep the area clean and not pick at it unless you are apply­ing the oint­ment that is giv­en to you by GG Glam Stu­dio. Before address­ing the area make sure your hands are clean.

This pro­ce­dure is not always 100% guaranteed!

Please call GG Glam Stu­dio if you have had a pre­vi­ous cam­ou­flage treat­ment, pri­or to book­ing your appoint­ment and leav­ing a deposit. Fail­ure to let us know of a pre­vi­ous tat­too will result in you los­ing your deposit & appointment.

Please come alone unless you need some­one to dri­ve you. All accom­pa­ny­ing guests must wait in the wait­ing area.

Please do not take ibupro­fen, vit­a­min D, drink alco­hol, or have too much caf­feine, or any­thing that will thin your blood so that the ink can pen­e­trate into the skin and have a last­ing result.

A deposit is required for all pro­ce­dures.
A $50 fee will be charged to process any & all cancellations.

Let’s Connect!

If you need more information, we invite you to contact us at GG Glam Studio

[email protected]

Ph: (562)756‑1652